IT-6201 - Data Communications and Networking oed answer key
Showing 101 to 120 of 271 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
What type of delivery uses data link layer addresses?
local delivery
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 3
What is the purpose of HSRP in switching environment?
It provides a continuous network connection when a router fails.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4
This is typically regarded as the brains of a device.
control plane
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4
Which statement correctly describes a WAN technology?
MPLS can be used to deliver any type of packet between sites.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
How is the Cisco IOS generally accessed and navigated?
Through the CLI using a terminal emulator
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
Transport Layer is identified as the 5th layer in OSI.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
Which statement describes a network that supports QoS?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
What are two advantages of EtherChannel? (Choose two.)
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
What is the correct syntax of a floating static route?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
Which 3 statements describe the routing protocol OSPF?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
Which factor directly affects the time to convergence?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 3
ASBRs are capable of summarizing which type of routes?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 3
Which among the listed below is an advantage of PVST+?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4
is considered to be the brains of the ACI architecture
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4
It is an ever increasing requirement of networks today
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
What is the administrative distance for a static route?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 3
What area interconnects with all other OSPF area types?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
In which scenario would the use of a WISP be recommended
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1