IT-6201 - Data Communications and Networking oed answer key
Showing 61 to 80 of 271 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 3
Which 3 features are OSPF routing protocol?
Converge quickly, Identify the best route by the use of cost & before exchanging routing information, OSPF routers find out neighbors.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer protocol
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
TCP stands for Transmission Center Protocol.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
The physical layer converts a signal from one form to another so that it can be physically transmitted over a communication channel and the data layer is concerned with the transmission of messages on a single local network
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
PAT Address Translation is also termed what?
NAT Overload
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
Telnet protocol by default uses Port ______.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4
What is an advantage offered by GRE tunnels?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
How does the network layer use the MTU value?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
The TCIP/IP Model is mapped to the OSI Model.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
The following are VLAN best practices EXCEPT?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
What is an advantage of OSPF compared to RIP?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
OSI Model stands for Open Systems Interconnect
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
Public Encryption Key is an encryption method.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
Which of the following 3 methods/types of NAT?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
From R1 is there any default gateway configured?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
Which of the following is NOT a benefit of VLAN?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1