MATH-6330 - Numerical Methods oed answer key

Showing 221 to 240 of 256 total answers.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

For the given systems of linear equations, with initial values x1 =0; x2 =0; x3 = 0. The next iterative value of x2 using Gauss-Seidel Method is 1.5.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Methods that uses a single initial value or two initial values that do not necessarily brackets the root where Newton’s method is categorized are called


Open method

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Since Cramer's rule employ determinants, a system of linear equations with 3 unknowns even with 3 equations cannot be used if the constants are non-zero



Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

For the given systems of linear equations, with initial values x1 =0; x2 =0; x3 = 0. The next iterative value of x1 using Gauss-Seidel Method is 1.3333.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

For the given systems of linear equations, with initial values x1 =0; x2 =0; x3 = 0. The next iterative value of x3 using Gauss-Seidel Method is 0.5278.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

In creating a computer algorithm one important factor that should be considered is that the user would be prompted the values that are needed in solving.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

By applying the power method to the matrix inverse of [A], the power method will ________on the largest value of 1/λ in other words, the smallest value of λ

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

If you need to evaluate a definite integral involving a function whose anti derivative cannot be found, it is easier to resort to this approximation technique

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

In numerical integration, when both the end points of the interval of integration are used as nodes in the methods, the methods are called closed type methods

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

A Hermitian matrix (or self-adjoint matrix) is a complex square matrix that is equal to its own conjugate transpose and can be decomposed using Cholesky’s method.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

An algorithm design technique is a general approach to solving problems algorithmically that is applicable to a variety of problems from different areas of computing

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Perform floating point addition of 3.1 x 10 -1 and 12.25 x 10 1. If only 3 significant figures are allowed for mantissa, determine the percent accuracy of the result.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Newton’s method also known as the Newton-Raphson iteration is that, suppose at point xi of the function, there is a tangent at that point. This point is assumed to be:

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Suppose we do not know that the true value of the root of f(x) = x3 -1 is 1. How many iterations will be used to get the true value suppose the initial value of x = 0?

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

In using Gaussian elimination method, the system of linear equations is transformed into upper triangular form where the values in the upper part of the diagonal are 0s

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

When it comes to computer implementation, secant method may have an advantage over the Newton-Raphson since the latter only evaluates the function and not its derivative.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Using Newton's interpolation, with data given below to compute for f(15)x0 = 0 f(x0) = 2x1 = 3 f(x1) = 7x2 = 5 f(x2) = 9The first order from x0 = 3 to x1 = 5 has a value of 1

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

Given a matrix A , its QR -decomposition is an upper triangular matrix and an orthogonal matrix. An orthogonal matrix is a matrix whose transpose is equivalent to its inverse.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Numerical Methods

In solving systems of linear equations using Gaussian elimination method, if the coefficient of the first variable in the first linear equation is zero and the rest are non-zero:

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