ITE-6200 - Application Development and Emerging Technology oed answer key
Showing 341 to 360 of 570 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
XCode is the most generally utilized version control system that has a command-line interface.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
$this->session->set_userdata() is also used to set or change an existing session variable value
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
An assortment of various variables that are connected almost everywhere within the application.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
Get() method is utilized to recover and request data from a predetermined resource in a server.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
It is used to present explicit elements of the HTML to be shown with uniformity in the browser.
CSS file
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
It refers to an event handler procedure executed each time a client clicks within the app page.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
$that->db->insert_id() function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
A command that allows us to make a new directory on your current or specific directory location.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
A string representation of a JavaScript object that can be prepared by any programming language.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
Element can be placed onto a web page in a pre-checked fashion by setting the checked attribute.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
Look Up methods is very useful on getting pieces of data, one at a time particularly on multiple
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
The keyboard shortcut for loading a file in Chrome in case you're in Macintosh operating system.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
Web applications that use the WebForm approach commingle Program Code and Page Design Code only.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
Which of the following statements will create a form that points to your base URL plus the "x/y"
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
CSS selectors provide a considerably large number of warnings compare to HTML's validation tools.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
It is a way in which an HTML element are shown, applies to elements that have the type a or span.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
It is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology
Process.env represents the state of the system environment your application is in when it starts.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Application Development and Emerging Technology