ITE-6102 - Computer Programming oed answer key

Showing 481 to 500 of 752 total answers.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

The body of code blocksis the set of statements found inside the curly braces.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

The practice of Object-Oriented Programming came as early as the year _______.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

There are three (3) components that build up the phases of looping statements.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

These are the restriction we place to variables to handle only specified data.


Data Types

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

This is the act of saying we will be using a variable of a specific data type.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

What flowchart symbol is the equivalent for the pseudocode SET ... TO keyword?

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

What general part of Computers that performs calculations to accomplish tasks?

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 2

The length of an array is established when the array is created at __________.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 2

What is the maximum index of the array: int[] intArray = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 };

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

A programming centered in the use of objects is called Object-Oriented Program.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

Accessors are methods with the return type like the data type of the _________.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

Direction : Choose the best answer.It is made using Native Windows Application.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

Direction : True or FalsePointers are used to point to addresses in the memory.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

Direction : True or FalseThe syntax for the parameter is dataType variableName.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

Direction: True or False. Initialization use a special variable called counter.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

Fundamentals of computer programming are learned easily through the use of GUI.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

It is located within a curly brackets/braces; opened by "{", and closed by "}".

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

It is located within a curly brackets/braces; opened by "{", and closed by "}".

Awesome StudentQuestion • Computer Programming 1

It is one of the characteristics of technical work items to be written shortly.

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