IT-6209 - Introduction to Multimedia oed answer key

Showing 421 to 440 of 519 total answers.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

The Internet has many multimedia elementsembedded in web pages and web browserssupport a variety of multimedia formats.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Classified in phonological writing wherein it is the most recently invented writing system and commonly used as of today.



Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

A work on canvass that combines oil paint, newspaper collage, chalk, glass and ink could be called a – but not multimedia.


mixed media

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

In the development these people handles the creation of characters, action, point of view and the project's interactivity.


Project Manager

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Fair Use is doctrine that permits limited use of any copyrighted material without the permission from the copyright holder



Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

The navigation structure design is concerned more with the information and how it will be collected, gathered and verified.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Mac OS will automatically recognize and work with any other Apple product, such as iPhone, Cinema Display, Airport, and iPad

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Plug-ins add capability to web browsers by allowing people to view and interact with special types of images and animations.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Multiple Choice. Choose the Letter of the Best Answer. It is a device used in multimedia to take still images or photographs

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

It is the first widespread animation device that created a fluent illusion of motion which figures are viewed through a slit.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

By playing with the perspectives of the images foreground and background, you can turn that 2 dimensional image into a 3d view

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Tutorials are sequences of slides, also called pages or screens, that usually incorporate text, sound, graphics, and animation

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

A collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family- Arial Black and Arial Narrow.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

A type of presentation which refers to a short piece of video usually with audio to showcase the previous works of an individual

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Video is a photographicimagesthat are playedback at speedsof_______________ a second andthe providethe appearanceoffullmotion.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

What is the multimedia application that allows users of the media to participate or interact with the presentation such as CBTs.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Text is considered as the most commonly used method of presenting or explaining information in the clearest most precise manner.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

A vector file format primarily designed for two-dimensional graphics and is extremely useful for web interactivity and animation.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Multimedia

Multimedia art typically involves animation and motion graphics, such as those used for web, Power Point, and flash presentations.

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