FLN-6300 - Foreign Language oed answer key
Showing 241 to 260 of 278 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
When N is beside p/b/f or v the pronunciation converts into /m/ (eg investigador)
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Which of the following term does not have the same meaning in Tagalog or Spanish?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
A ti, ____________ lasorejas No puedesoir nada después de atender el concierto rock
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
The Verb/Linking verb AM, IS and ARE in English is represented by verbs SER y ESTAR
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Generally tú and vos have the same usage when it comes to informal/ familiar context
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
She is dancing at this moment:Shantal, todavía está en la discoteca ___________ salsa
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Gustar, doler and encantar is a verb that describes the subject who is doing the action
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
In regular verbs in Yo, to conjugate, we replace the -ar/-er/-ir to -amos, -emos, -imos
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
No estoy en la casa, en este momento, __________________ por taxi para volver a la casa
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
'I am seven years old' is the English translation of the statement "yo tengo siete años"
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Like in English, the use of correct adjectives when it comes to gender are not necessary
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Aside from the 5 vowels in Spanish which of the following consonants can sound as a vowel?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Both Tú and Usted literally mean you, but there is a significative difference between them
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Even in -rse verbs, there are still irregular verbs and it needs to be conjugated properly
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Spanish is an important language in the United Stage due to its proximity to Latin America
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
If someone says "Yo llevo una falda rosada" he/she is telling you 'I'm wearing a pink skirt'
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
There are places in the Spanish-speaking world where some letters are pronounced differently
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language
Vos are only used in selected Latin American countries (2nd person singular informal like Tú)
Awesome StudentQuestion • Foreign Language