ITE-6300 - Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 292 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
Types of Cloud
Local Cloud Hybrid Cloud Public Cloud
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
Files definition is
A collection of information or data with a unique name typically located in folders
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The monitoring agent is?
An event-driven program
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
Cite examples of a cloud.
Windows Azure Google App Engine iCloud Amazon Web Services
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does IOT stands for?
Internet of Things
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does M2M stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does SMP stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
CSD is a mechanism provide
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
IGT Cloud is an example of
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
The advantages of IaaS are
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does MIMD stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does MISD stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does NIST stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does RFID stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does SIMD stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
What does SISD stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
IOT is also referred to as:
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things
A public cloud is defined by
Awesome StudentQuestion • Cloud Computing and the Internet of Things