ITE-6201 - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis oed answer key

Showing 1 to 20 of 228 total answers.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

What is a queue?



Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

What is a run list?


small batches of records from a file

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Using put() can perform


replace key-value pair

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Describe the following code


A function that will insert a node in an arbitrary position

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Enqueue is also called push



Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

A hierarchical data structure

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

A queue applies FIFO ordering

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

A queue displays LIFO behavior.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

A stack displays FIFO behavior.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

stack() creates an empty stack.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

The method used by card sorter.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Another name for directed graph.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Binary search trees are ordered.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Marked the birth of graph theory

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Clr() is used to clear the stack.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Graphs consists of the following :

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

This indicates the end of the list.

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

Which indicates pre-order traversal?

Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis

A tree can not be empty with no nodes

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