ITE-6100 - Introduction to Computing oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 144 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
What is hardware?
Is any computer part that has a physical structure
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
What is software?
any collection of instructions telling the hardware what to do
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
IEEE stands for _____
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
ANSI stands for ______
American National Standards Institute
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
The term capacity refers to
The amount of data that you can transfer to your computer
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
Designs the Punch Card System
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
The term durability refers to
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
The term portability refers to
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
What is Information Technology?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
Computing has 4 steps, they are:
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
One of the developer of the ENIAC
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
What is Random Access Memory (RAM)
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
When a file is saved for the first time
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
One important characteristic ofLAN is...
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
The tem 'read/write time' refer to what?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
Which of the following statements is true?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
It is use to programmed the first computers
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing
English Mathematician and Father of Computing
Awesome StudentQuestion • Introduction to Computing