IT-6302 - Integrative Programming and Technology oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 109 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
A script is a:
Program or sequence of instruction that is interpreted or carried out by another program
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
JVM stands for?
Java virtual machine
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Pick odd one out
Fault tolerance
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
FORTRAN stands for:
Formula Translator
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
URL means ________.
Address of the resource on the web
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
What does a VLAN do?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
What HTTP stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
What SOAP stands for?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
FORTRAN was developed by
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
In computer network nodes are:
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Prolog comes under ___________
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Two devices are in network if:
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Network congestion occurs when:
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Storage management comprises of
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
A tape library does not contain:
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
How response is sent in XML-RPC?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Executables might be called ________
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1
Effective Storage management includes
Awesome StudentQuestion • Integrative Programming and Technology 1