IT-6300 - Data Communications and Networking oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 140 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
What is a wiki?
a web page that groups of people can edit and review
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
TCP/IP stands for?
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
What is the Cisco IOS?
The operating system for the Cisco network device
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4
What is Fog computing?
It is a type of computing where services are hosted where they are used, such as at the network edge or with end devices.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
The OSI Model has 7 layers
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
What is the purpose of VTP?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 3
R1(config)# boot system rom
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
What is a converged network?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
FTP can be Passive Mode only.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
The TCP/IP Model has 7 layers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
IP address is written in binary
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
The 8-bit binary value for 41 is
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
What is the transport layer PDU?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 2
The extended range of VLAN ID is
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
MAN stands for Many Area Networks
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
This is Layer 6 of the OSI Model.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
WAN stands for Wide Area Network.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 1
What is a fault-tolerant network?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Data Communications and Networking 4