GE-6116 - Science, Technology and Society oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 358 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Admission bias is
When the population studied does not reflect the general population
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Selection bias is
When the people who are part of the study are those only interested to be part of the study and would have a big difference to those who don't
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
What are teratomas?
Solid tumors made up of mixture of all germ layer
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
What is google effect?
It is the manner of changing how people think when they start to largely rely on the internet for some facts
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
What is type Diabetes?
It is a type of diabetes where the pancreas cannot produce insulin
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
What is type 1 Diabetes?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
What is type II diabetes?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Rural Electrification Act is
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Overall the module talks about
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Process innovation is defined as
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Republic Act No is also known as
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
What is a metal-organic framework?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Modified buckyballs can be used for
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
The term technoscience is coined from
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
A recessive trait is expressed only if
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Republic Act No. 10175 is also known as
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
It is the basic unit of genetic function
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society
Bayh-Dole act which is passed in , is the
Awesome StudentQuestion • Science, Technology and Society