CS-6212 - Animation Project oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 61 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
Adobe Animate is formerly known as
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
A visual representation of a story.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
It is a 3D program for the After Effects user
Cinema 4D
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
Match the term/details to complete each statement.
Match the term/details to complete each statement.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
When viewed, they appear to be moving at a fast speed
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
One of the most commonly used vector animation programs is
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
All animation is arranged in _________ from beginning to end
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
Animation technique used to depict exaggerated animated motion
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
The person who draws the moving character in an animated film.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
The brief moment of anticipatory motion that precedes an action
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
This refers to any artwork or animation created with computers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
The creation of successive frames of animation between key frames
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
One of the most common forms of stop-motion animation is _____________.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
can be numbered by frame, by second (or other interval of time), or both
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
Animation whose art or motion is controlled by vectors rather than pixels
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
The ____________ shows how characters relate in size to other characters.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
In computer animation, the term is most commonly used for Flash's "____________"
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project
It’s definitely more robust and complex than Photoshop, but it’s also much pricier
Awesome StudentQuestion • Animation Project