CS-6207 - Programming Languages with Compiler oed answer key
Showing 1 to 20 of 48 total answers.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which expression evaluates to 2?
5 % 3
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Source code is written in rich text
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
What is the definition of Scanning?
The process of identifying tokens from the raw text source code of a program.
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which is an example of a syntax error?
2 (4*2)
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which is an example of a runtime error?
name = "It's me!" print("Hello", Name)
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which variable name is valid in Python?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which of these is not a relational operator?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
What is the type of the following value: '12'?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
What does this expression evaluate to? 3 + 2 * 5
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which of these will not output:I'm learning a lot!
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
What does this expression evaluate to? 2 * 3 + 2 * 5
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
What are the category on most languages have tokens?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Multiple statements grouped together are called a _____
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
How would you write the "Hello, world!" program in Python?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Why doesn't a Python file execute when you double-click it?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Which command will start the Python prompt on your computer?
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Typing "What is 2 plus 2?" into the Python prompt causes a _____
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler
Python treats all numbers the same, regardless of numerical value
Awesome StudentQuestion • Programming Languages with Compiler